How Long Does It Take To Paint A Room?
It depends on the room - whether you're painting a bedroom or a bathroom it doesn't have to take all day. Set aside 3-4 hours for actual prep and paint application and then rooms will dry at a different rate depending on the environment, temperature, and where you live.Some walls may be completely dry in a couple hours - others may take a day. In most cases you should allow for at least 24 hours for the paint on your walls to cure, which means to fully dry and adhere to the surface below.

Bathroom getting ready to be painted
How long does it take to paint a bathroom?
Painting a bathroom can take longer than the rest of the rooms in your home in some scenarios - and thats franky because its not much of a dry room itself. Bathrooms remain humid and damp much of the time, these two factors add to the drying time. Give a bathroom sometimes a day or two to fully cure,While you plan out your next bathroom painting project check out these small bathroom ideas.

How long does it take to paint a bedroom?
You're in luck - we have written an entire article on this subject! Check out our guide on how long it takes to paint a bedroom.If you're looking for more inspiration before that, check out our bedroom colors guide.
How long does it take to paint a living room?
Painting a living room is often the longest painting job to take on in a home. While living rooms are large in size they also frequently are shaped outside of the traditional square room template. Painting a living room may take anywhere from 4-8 hours depending on the size of your space. Whether its a big living room or a small one, its important to find the best living room colors for your next project.
How long does it take to paint a front door?
It really depends on the temperature outside and your weather. If it is windy and dry it make adhere very quickly but if its super hot outside and humid it can take quite awhile for the paint to properly affix itself to the door and be technically dry. Its best to judge based on your current climate and environment. If in doubt give it more time.
Check out our guide on how to choose front door colors while you wait.